Maintaining and deepening your knowledge of how to run an effective practice can, over time, give you more energy and space to focus on growing your business while also providing quality care at the same time.

As well as being a practicing psychologist, you’re also a business owner. So it’s important that you understand the business terminology to support all the incredible in-session work you do.

This FREE workbook is designed to help you become well-versed in business and find the confidence to boost your knowledge by understanding the basics of private practice as a business.

Grab the FREE workbook and assess the health of your private practice…

Are you the director of a psychology private practice?

Keeping your finger on the pulse of your business is just as important as the work you do with clients.

Maintaining and deepening your knowledge of how to run an effective practice can, over time, give you more energy and space to focus on growing your business while also providing quality care at the same time.

As well as being a practicing psychologist, you’re also a business owner. So it’s important that you understand the business terminology to support all the incredible in-session work you do.

This FREE workbook is designed to help you become well-versed in business and find the confidence to boost your knowledge by understanding the basics of private practice as a business.

Grab the FREE workbook and assess the health of your private practice…

Do you know the business terminology and private practice standards to set you up for success?

Assess yourself.
Get the FREE workbook.

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Kaye Frankcom

Clinical and Counselling Psychologist, MAPS

Who is Kaye Frankcom?

Kaye is a highly accomplished businesswoman and leader in the health sector. She is an endorsed clinical and counselling psychologist, consultant in-demand speaker, and trainer and has held national roles in psychology regulation and professional standards. She operated a successful group psychology practice in Williamstown, Victoria for 17 years which she recently sold.

35 Years

of Private
Psychology Practice

Supervision and
Coaching of




Practice Directors