About Kaye Frankcom


My Story

Kaye is a highly accomplished businesswoman, and leader in the health sector. She is an endorsed clinical and counselling psychologist, consultant and business coach to psychologists, in-demand speaker and trainer and has held national roles in psychology regulation and professional standards. She built a successful group psychology practice in Williamstown, Victoria which she sold in 2018.

She has a special interest in supporting private practice. She has co-authored two books on private practice – Fit for Practice: Everything you wanted to know about starting your own psychology practice in Australia but were afraid to ask (2016); and in 2022, Creating Impact: The four pillars of private psychology practice (https://creatingimpact.com.au/).

She operates a coaching consultancy for private practitioners focussed on setting up for private practice in early career, clinical governance, and clinical standards. She is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Deakin University.

Her psychology career has included 15 years in private practice in regional Victoria, President of the Psychologist Board of Victoria, and the Victorian appointee to the first Psychology Board of Australia in 2009. She has chaired professional practice panels and been the nominee owner of APAC on behalf of the Psychology Board of Australia. She has supervised and mentored hundreds of psychologists over 30 years of practice. She is a Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society. She is a member of the Clinical Council of a Primary Health Care Network (PHN). She is currently working with small and large psychology practices across Australia as a business mentor and coach and offers clinical supervision.

She is the ‘go to’ person for her profession and continues to be instrumental in the process of establishing national standards for the psychology profession.

GAICD, B.A, B.S.W, Grad Dip. Counselling. Psych., Master Clinical Psychology, Master of Science in Medicine (Pain Management), FAPS

Online Course

Fit to Practice

This online course is made those starting out in private practice, solo practitioners and those looking to scale up. If you want to take the next step. This is for you.

Exploring the key domains of practice

  • Client focussed activities
  • Psychologist effectiveness
  • Leading and managing the practice
  • Business sustainability and compliance